
Timor Leste Fact-check team will implement basic principles on fact-checking as follows:

Non-partisanship and fairness. To be trusted by the public, Timor Leste Fact-check Team committed  not be seen as biased, cherry picking, or non-independent.

Transparency of information source and fact-checking mechanism and method. In each fact-checking article, we agreed to disclose our methods before presenting the conclusion. Even though this results in longer and more detailed articles, the mentioning of method and source of information is a globally accepted standard of fact-checking. This is the only way we could build public trust in our fact-checking content.

Transparency regarding organization and financing. Again, this is tied to our effort to build public trust in our fact-checking content.

Speedy and accountable correction mechanism. Fact-checkers are not angels who never make a mistake. We might overlook sources or make the wrong analysis in their fact-checking process. These things happen and a response mechanism are made to address the issue.

The above-mentioned principles, play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and sustainability of our network. The principles basically reflect the values inherent in the adoption of journalistic code of ethics. The universal code of ethics that applies to every journalist emphasizes the importance of independence, presenting only the truth or facts, and minimizing the risk of damage from a particular report.

Specifically for fact-checkers, in addition to independence, factual reporting and risk mitigation, another equally important principle is transparency. In the face of skepticism from a polarized public, the only way to build public trust is to be as transparent as possible. We believe, only through transparency our integrity as independent fact-checkers may win the public trust.  Note: Timor Leste Fact-check team adopted International Fact-checking Network’s basic principles